
“Jennie Flory is capable of running a fundraising programme of any size extremely efficiently” 

Ros Cox (TV Skribble), The Art Trust – Art for Relaxation and Therapy



In the first instance we want to get to know you and discuss your concerns.  This meeting gives you the opportunity to meet us and decide whether you feel you like what we have to say and enables us to see if we can help you.  We make no charge for this first meeting.

Capital Appeals

We would discuss with you what is best for your charity, for example should you initially run a private appeal in order not to interfere with revenue, or should you run a public appeal? We can also discuss how your appeal should be structured, is it feasible and what needs to be put in place before the appeal begins.

Feasibility Studies

Feasibility studies are an essential tool for any charity considering a Capital Appeal. We have conducted feasibility studies for  Breakaway Salisbury, North London Hospice, The Art Trust, Symondsbury College and several theatre companies.

How to cope with a drop in Income

We can look at areas where you are missing out on income, where you are wasting resources, running events and fundraising projects which are not bringing in the required 4:1 cost ratio.  This often requires you to restructure your fundraising department and we can advise on this.

PR and Profile

Branding for a charity is very important.  Is your logo having an impact on the community?  Is it instantly recognisable?  Does all your literature on the charity match your logo and your logo match your literature?  Have you looked at market research to see where your standing is within your field?  Flory Charity Consultants has accomplished a 92% recognition for a local charity and would look at achieving this for your charity.  This is an extremely important area of fundraising – without a high profile you will not achieve good income.

Social Networking

Are you unsure about using new social media such as Facebook and Twitter? We can show you the value of social media and how to raise your profile and that of your campaigns.


Flory Charity Consultants are able to advise on the following areas of fundraising:

  1. Legacy Campaigns

  2. Trust Fundraising

  3. Community Fundraising

  4. Corporate Fundraising

  5. Telephone Appeals

  6. Patrons and Trustees

  7. Events – national and local

  8. Lotteries

  9. Flag Days

  10. How to manage and make most use of your Volunteers

  11. Databases

  12. Direct Mail

  13. House to House Envelope Collections


We have established and run many national and international events including the Ladies Driving Challenge, the Warsaw Paris London Bike Ride and the Beaujolais Challenge.  We would be delighted to establish an event for your charity or take you through the process of running your own successful events. We work in partnership with Greenrock (www.greenrock.co.uk), a company which specialises in international challenge events for charties, schools and individuals.

Workshops and Training

Flory Charity Consultants would be happy to set up workshops and training for your staff to help them maximise their expertise and increase the income of your charity.



HRH The Prince of Wales thanking Jennie for her fundraising work at the largest ever Pipes and Drums Festival in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care at Edinburgh in 2000

Flory Charity Consultants  |  Marmaduke Cottage, 4 Box Terrace, Drimpton, Dorset DT8 3RE  |  Tel  01308 867 409  |  Mobile  07799 261 479  |  Email  info@florycharityconsultants.com